Oracle Apex 22.1 Installation with ORDS on Windows Server

Oracle Apex 22.1 with ORDS installation on Windows Server

Oracle Application Express (APEX) is an enterprise low-code development platform from Oracle Corporation. APEX is used for developing and deploying cloud, mobile, and desktop applications.

Oracle Apex Installation Requirements

Before installing Oracle APEX in a on-premises (or local) installation you must verify your configuration meets the minimum installation requirements.

  • Oracle Database Requirements
    Oracle APEX release 22.1 requires an Oracle Database release or later. Oracle APEX runs on all database editions, including Enterprise Edition (EE), Standard Edition (SE) and Express Edition (XE). Oracle APEX can be installed in single-instance database and in Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) database.
  • Browser Requirements
    Oracle APEX requires a JavaScript-enabled browser and supports the current and prior major release of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge.
  • Web Server Requirements
    Oracle APEX requires Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) 20.x or later.
  • OS Windows Server 

Below installation doc requires Oracle database and JDK is already installed and ready to use.

Below are the steps to install Oracle Application Express release 22.1.

Step 1 Download Apex

To download Oracle Application Express release 22.1, go to following link:

Step 2. Unzip in desired location 

After downloading, you will get a zip file named something like – apex_22.1. Copy the file from the default download folder and paste it to the folder in which you want to install Oracle Apex 22.1, for example, I moved this file to C:\app\apex_22.1, and after extracting the file, I got the “apex” directory here. Now the complete path of my Oracle Apex installation is C:\app\apex_22.1.

Step 3. Open Terminal or CMD 

Open the command prompt (CMD) on Windows or Terminal on Unix/Linux and changed the directory to the C:\app\apex_22.1 as follows:

On Windows:

cd C:\app\apex_22.1\apex

Step 4. Connect database 

Now you need to run all the Oracle Apex installation scripts from this (C:\app\apex_22.1\apex) location. Start the SQL*PLUS with SYS user credentials to connect to the Oracle Database as shown in the following example:

C:\app\apex_22.1\apex> sqlplus /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release – Production on Mon Nov 13 10:36:00 2023


Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

SQL> connect sys as sysdba

Enter password:


Step 5. Select PDB Database 

In Multitenant architecture, Oracle has a great option to create different databases for specific applications such as sales database, hr database. So installing apex in different PDB is good to maintain and you can install apex in different PDB databases. For that we can see what PDBs exist in the instance and need to alter session for that PDB using following commands. 

SQL> show pdbs

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED

———- —————————— ———- ———-

         2 PDB$SEED                       READ ONLY  NO

         3 PDB1                           READ WRITE NO

So now, PDB1 is selected to install Apex 22. 

Step 6. Run apex installation Script 

At first, we need to run apexins.sql passing the following four arguments in the order shown:

@apexins.sql tablespace_apex tablespace_files tablespace_temp images

For understanding:

  • tablespace_apex is the name of the tablespace for the Oracle Application Express application user.
  • tablespace_files is the name of the tablespace for the Oracle Application Express files user.
  • tablespace_temp is the name of the temporary tablespace or tablespace group.
  • images is the virtual directory for Oracle Application Express images. For installations using EPG, /i/ is the required value for the images argument. To support future Oracle Application Express upgrades, define the virtual image directory as /i/.

So now run this: 

@apexins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/

it will create many files and finally shows the message as like: 

# Actions in Phase 3:


    ok 1 – BEGIN                                                        |   0.00

    ok 2 – Updating DBA_REGISTRY                                        |   0.00

    ok 3 – Computing Pub Syn Dependents                                 |   0.00

    ok 4 – Upgrade Hot Metadata and Switch Schemas                      |   0.00

    ok 5 – Removing Jobs                                                |   0.02

    ok 6 – Creating Public Synonyms                                     |   0.00

    ok 7 – Granting Public Synonyms                                     |   0.05

    ok 8 – Granting to FLOWS_FILES                                      |   0.00

    ok 9 – Creating FLOWS_FILES grants and synonyms                     |   0.00

    ok 10 – Creating Jobs                                               |   0.00

    ok 11 – Creating Dev Jobs                                           |   0.00

    ok 12 – Installing FLOWS_FILES Objects                              |   0.00

    ok 13 – Installing APEX$SESSION Context                             |   0.00

    ok 14 – Recompiling APEX_220100                                     |   0.02

    ok 15 – Installing APEX REST Config                                 |   0.00

    ok 16 – Set Loaded/Upgraded in Registry                             |   0.00

    ok 17 – Removing Unused SYS Objects                                 |   0.00

    ok 18 – Validating Installation                                     |   0.08

ok 3 – 18 actions passed, 0 actions failed                              |   0.17

Thank you for installing Oracle APEX 22.1.0

Oracle APEX is installed in the APEX_220100 schema.

The structure of the link to the Oracle APEX administration services is as follows:


The structure of the link to the Oracle APEX development interface is as follows:


timing for: Phase 3 (Switch)

Elapsed: 00:00:09.39

timing for: Complete Installation

Elapsed: 00:05:00.94


Step 7. Set Admin Password 

Now run the change password script for the ADMIN user as following and the password must follow the complexity rules

 SYS>  @apxchpwd.sql



This script can be used to change the password of an Oracle APEX

instance administrator. If the user does not yet exist, a user record will be



Enter the administrator’s username [ADMIN]

User “ADMIN” does not yet exist and will be created.

Enter ADMIN’s email [ADMIN]

Enter ADMIN’s password []

Created instance administrator ADMIN.


Step 8. Unlock the APEX_PUBLIC_USER  

Unlock the APEX_PUBLIC_USER account and specify the password. Don’t forget to connect to Oracle using SQL*PLUS if disconnected and make sure you are connected with PDB. 


To change the password for the APEX_PUBLIC_USER account:




Step 9. Run Configure Apex RESTful Service Script 


Enter a password for the APEX_LISTENER user              []

Enter a password for the APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER user              []


…setting session environment


…grants for APEX_LISTENER and ORDS_METADATA user


Step 10.  Exit and connect again sys as sysdba

alter pluggable database pdb$seed close;

alter pluggable database pdb$seed open read write;

Step 11. Installation, Configuration, and Development of Oracle Rest Data Service (ORDS)

  1. Unzip ords zip file in a folder “ords”. i.e C:\app\ords-setup
  2. Press Window+R to open run window.
  3. Type cmd and press enter.
  4. Go to ords folder i.e “C:\app\ords-setup”
  5. Create a ords config directory i.e C:\app\ords\config
  6. Type command as below and follow the steps as per below logs. 

C:\app\ords-setup> java -jar ords.war –config C:\app\ords\config install

Warning: Support for executing: java -jar ords.war has been deprecated.

Please add ords to your PATH and use the ords command instead.

ORDS: Release 22.1 Production on Mon Nov 13 11:26:31 2023

Copyright (c) 2010, 2023, Oracle.



The configuration folder C:\app\ords\config does not contain any configuration files.

Oracle REST Data Services – Interactive Install

  Enter a number to select the type of installation

    [1] Install or upgrade ORDS in the database only

    [2] Create or update a database pool and install/upgrade ORDS in the database

    [3] Create or update a database pool only

  Choose [2]:

  Enter a number to select the database connection type to use

    [1] Basic (host name, port, service name)

    [2] TNS (TNS alias, TNS directory)

    [3] Custom database URL

  Choose [1]:

  Enter the database host name [localhost]:

  Enter the database listen port [1521]:

  Enter the database service name [orcl]: pdb1

  Provide database user name with administrator privileges.

    Enter the administrator username: sys

  Enter the database password for SYS AS SYSDBA:

Connecting to database user: SYS AS SYSDBA url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/pdb1

Retrieving information.

  Enter the default tablespace for ORDS_METADATA and ORDS_PUBLIC_USER [SYSAUX]:

  Enter the temporary tablespace for ORDS_METADATA and ORDS_PUBLIC_USER [TEMP]:

  Enter a number to select additional feature(s) to enable:

    [1] Database Actions  (Enables all features)

    [2] REST Enabled SQL and Database API

    [3] REST Enabled SQL

    [4] Database API

    [5] None

  Choose [1]:

  Enter a number to configure and start ORDS in standalone mode

    [1] Configure and start ORDS in standalone mode

    [2] Skip

  Choose [1]:

  Enter a number to use HTTP or HTTPS protocol

    [1] HTTP

    [2] HTTPS

  Choose [1]: 1

  Enter the HTTP port [8080]:

  Enter the APEX static resources location: C:\app\apex_22.1\apex\images

The setting named: db.connectionType was set to: basic in configuration: default

The setting named: db.hostname was set to: localhost in configuration: default

The setting named: db.port was set to: 1521 in configuration: default

The setting named: db.servicename was set to: pdb1 in configuration: default

The setting named: plsql.gateway.mode was set to: proxied in configuration: default

The setting named: db.username was set to: ORDS_PUBLIC_USER in configuration: default

The setting named: db.password was set to: ****** in configuration: default

The setting named: feature.sdw was set to: true in configuration: default

The global setting named: database.api.enabled was set to: true

The setting named: was set to: true in configuration: default

The setting named: security.requestValidationFunction was set to: wwv_flow_epg_include_modules.authorize in configuration: default

The global setting named: standalone.http.port was set to: 8080

The global setting named: standalone.static.path was set to: /C:\app\apex_22.1\apex/images/

The global setting named: standalone.static.context.path was set to: /i

The global setting named: standalone.context.path was set to: /ords

The global setting named: standalone.doc.root was set to: C:\app\ords\config\global\doc_root

2023-11-13T11:32:22.115Z INFO        Installing Oracle REST Data Services version 22.1.0.r1051723 in PDB1


Date       : 13 Nov 2023 11:32:22

Release    : Oracle REST Data Services 22.1.0.r1051723

Type       : ORDS Install

Database   : Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition

DB Version :


Container Name: PDB1

Executing scripts for core


[*** script: ords_prereq_env.sql]








Commit complete.

2023-11-13T11:32:39.322Z INFO        Completed installation for Oracle REST Data Services version 22.1.0.r1051723. Elapsed time: 00:00:17.141

[*** Info: Completed installation for Oracle REST Data Services version 22.1.0.r1051723. Elapsed time: 00:00:17.141



Container Name: PDB1


[*** script: ords_configure_gateway.sql]

Configured PL/SQL Gateway user APEX_PUBLIC_USER to be proxiable from


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2023-11-13T11:32:39.387Z INFO        Completed configuring PL/SQL gateway user for Oracle REST Data Services version 22.1.0.r1051723. Elapsed time: 00:00:00.64

[*** Info: Completed configuring PL/SQL gateway user for Oracle REST Data Services version 22.1.0.r1051723. Elapsed time: 00:00:00.64


2023-11-13T11:32:39.510Z INFO        HTTP and HTTP/2 cleartext listening on host: port: 8080

2023-11-13T11:32:39.533Z INFO        Disabling document root because the specified folder does not exist: C:\app\ords\config\global\doc_root

2023-11-13T11:32:49.950Z INFO        Configuration properties for: |default|lo|



















2023-11-13T11:32:49.956Z WARNING     *** jdbc.MaxLimit in configuration |default|lo| is using a value of 10, this setting may not be sized adequately for a production environment ***

2023-11-13T11:32:49.958Z WARNING     *** jdbc.InitialLimit in configuration |default|lo| is using a value of 3, this setting may not be sized adequately for a production environment ***

2023-11-13T11:33:02.947Z INFO        Oracle REST Data Services initialized

Oracle REST Data Services version : 22.1.0.r1051723

Oracle REST Data Services server info: jetty/9.4.44.v20210927

Oracle REST Data Services java info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 21.0.1+12-LTS-29

Now go to browser and open the apex as per credentials provided during the installation.


Once logged in, Your Playground with Apex server is ready to play. 
