20 Linux Virtualization Interview Questions and Answers
Q:1 What is Virtualization ? Ans: Virtualization is a technique for creating virtual resources (rather than the actual) such as server, storage device, network and Operating system. Virtualization is dis-associating the tight bond between software and hardware. Q:2 What are the different types of Virtualization ? Ans: Virtualization can be used in different ways and […]

Install and Configure Kubernetes on Ubuntu
~ How to install and configure Kubernetes Ubuntu 18.10, here I am using google instance ~ Below are the details of instances Node Name Master Node Node1 Node2 Node3 Hostname K8master K8node1 K8nod2 K8nod3 IP Address ~ There is one master node and other three nodes will at as slave and […]

Openstack Kilo installation Guide Ubuntu_14.04
Hi Folks, OpenStack is a cloud OS that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a DC, all managed through a dashboard that gives administrators control while empowering their users to provision resources through a web interface. OpenStack Kilo, the 11th release of the open source software for building public, private, and […]

Upgrade OpenSSL from 0.9.x to OpenSSL 1.0.2 – ubuntu
apt-get remove –purge openssl libssl-dev wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.2f.tar.gz –no-check-certificate tar -xvzf openssl-1.0.2f.tar.gz mv openssl-1.0.2f openssl cd openssl/ nano openssl.ld OPENSSL_1.0.0 { global: *; local: *; }; OPENSSL_1.0.1 { } OPENSSL_1.0.0; OPENSSL_1.0.1d { } OPENSSL_1.0.1; OPENSSL_1.0.2 { } OPENSSL_1.0.1d; ./configure -fPIC shared -Wl,–version-script=/root/openssl/openssl.ld -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions make make install Check your new version openssl version -a and add PATH to […]
moduled.dep no such file or directory
FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.32-358.18.1.el6.x86_64/modules/moduled.dep: no such file or directory I had trouble while installing RHEL 6 on my virtual machine. After installation of RHEL 6 I got error Could not load/lib/modules/2.6.32-358.18.1.el6.x86_64/modules/moduled.dep: no such file or directory. Fix : 1. Go to the rescue mode. 2. Run following command: #chroot /mnt/sysimage 3. run following command […]

Simplest Way To Reset Mysql Root Password – CentOs, Fedora, RHEL, Debian, Ubuntu.
You can recover MySQL database server password with following five easy steps. Step # 1: Stop the MySQL server process. Step # 2: Start the MySQL (mysqld) server/daemon process with the –skip-grant-tables option so that it will not prompt for password. Step # 3: Connect to mysql server as the root user. Step # 4: […]

16 Zenoss Core Daemons – Complete List of all ZenOSS Process
Zenoss Core has lot of daemons that can be used for various purpose. While you might not use all of the daemons in your Zenoss environment, it is still essential for you to understand all available zenoss daemons, which you can use to solve a specific enterprise monitoring requirement. In Zenoss v4 all daemons interact […]
15 aptitude Command Examples for Package Management in Linux
For Debian based systems like Ubuntu, you can use aptitude command for package management from the command line. This article explains several aptitude command examples including the following: Install a specific version of a package Install multiple packages using pattern Search for a package using pattern Get packages under a section Don’t update a specific […]
Using rsync to move a mountain of data …
In this installment of my blog, I want to document the proper use of rsync for folks who are tasked with moving a large amount of data. I’ll even show you a few things you can do from the command line interface to extend the built-in capability of rsync using a little bash-scripting trickery. I […]
RPM Commands with Examples
RPM Commands and there Use’s Posted by Linux Mental on December 6, 2013, filed in: Centos Linux, Linux Distro, Linux How to Do, Linux server’s, Red Hat Linux, Tutorials How to use RPM Commands and It use’s RPM = Red Hat Package manager or RPM Package Manager Rpm is a Installation package which Used to […]